About the Project

The proposed Blair Hill Wind Farm is located approximately 6km1 north of Newton Stewart, Dumfries and Galloway.

Click on image to enlarge

Based on our initial studies, the wind farm would comprise up to 22 turbines resulting in an overall site generating capacity of 145MW enough to power around 150,0002 homes with clean, low cost electricity.

Having undertaken initial site feasibility work we are now preparing for more detailed environmental and technical site survey work which will be carried out over the coming months to help inform the design.

In line with this, in July 2023, we submitted a Scoping Report to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit (ECU) which set out and sought feedback on the proposed scope of environmental assessment work.  You can view or download a copy of the Scoping Report by clicking on the links below:

In November 2023, ECU provided the Scoping Opinion in response to the Screening Report.  The Scoping Opinion can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the link below.

The scoping report, supporting information and opinion can also be viewed at the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit website at www.energyconsents.scot by clicking on the Search tab then clicking on Simple Search tab then typing Blair Hill Wind Farm into Search by Project Name box then clicking on Go.  Click on ECU00004878 and the Documents tab to view the report.



1 This distance is given from the approximate centre point of the site to the centre of Newton Stewart.

2 The homes figure has been calculated by taking the predicted annual electricity generation of the site (based on RES assessments Blair Hill has a predicted capacity factor of 42.8%) and dividing this by the annual average electricity figures from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) showing that the annual UK average domestic household consumption is 3,509 kWh (Dec 2022).